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Monday 18 June 2012

Skip The Foreplay - Nightlife

Artist: Skip The Foreplay
Album: Nightlife
Genre: Metalcore, Techno, Partycore, Hip Hop
Released: May, 2012
Country: Canada
Rating: 6/10


'Partycore' is a term which has been tossed around before, applied to hardcore bands such Attila and Chelsea Grin, yet Skip The Foreplay are possibly the first to take it to the next level; for better or worse. For those unfamiliar, the premise of partycore is exceedingly simple; uncomplicated metalcore coupled with lyrics about drinking and getting laid. And with song titles such as 'Hangover' and the dubiously titled, 'Date Rape Predator' it's obvious this band isn't setting out to be taken seriously. Points are given for creativity in the electronics department, along with the incorporation of hip hop breaks on songs such as, 'This City' and some real rocking guitar solos on tracks such as 'Hangover' and 'DJ' which give a real sense of southern rock swagger to the music. Musically, it's mostly junk; however it's great fun and if a night of drinking and getting laid is on the cards, you could do a lot worse than 'Nightlife'.

1. ST4P
2. DJ
3. DTK
4. Hawaiian Killer
5. Dom Perignon
6. Dinner With Snooki
7. Shots
8. Date Rape Predator
9. Destination Nowhere
10. This City (We're Taking Over)
11. Hangover
12. Mash It Up
13. Champagne Showers

In accordance with a DMCA request, all free download links for this album have been removed. It is our policy to comply with all such requests.


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