Artist: Abandon All Ships
Album: Infamous
Genre: Electronic, Metalcore
Released: July, 2012.
Country: Canada
Rating: 8/10
Despite showing consistent progression and improvement over their short career, Abandon All Ships has always been a band which amasses a serious amount of critical mockery. It's a shame because once you look past the ridiculous image and revolving door membership, there's some incredibly accomplished musicianship on display, none more so than in their latest effort. Although unquestionably metalcore, there's a delicious layer of smooth R&B to be found underneath, which surfaces in songs such as 'Good Old Friend' which effortlessly transforms from pounding breakdowns to crooning soul-styled pop vocals and the tender ballad 'August'. There's also a fair share of cheesy, major key, auto-tuned, trancecore pop songs such as the infectiously melodic 'Infamous' and the swaggering 'Forever Lonely' which mixes frustratingly catchy electro dance beats and crushing throwdowns with ease.
2. Infamous
3. Less Than Love
4. Ahmed
5. American Holocaust
6. August
7. Forever Lonely
8. Made Of Gold
9. Faded
10. Brothers For Life
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